Books Are My Getaway

Books Are My Getaway

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Book Review~Eternal

Hey! Long time, no see...again....busy life. Anyways, I have a really good blog post for you today! :) I am going to be doing a review on Eternal by CC Hunter! It's the second book in the Shadow Falls: After Dark series. Now, if you haven't heard of CC Hunter and ANY of her books, you must be insane. Just kidding, but you should really go check out her website. The link is here:

So, I'm on CC Hunter's Street Team. I know, cool, right? Well, part of being on the Street Team is that I get ARCs, or Advanced Readers Copies. Basically, I get to read the book before other people and I get to review it for all of you! So let's get started with the review!

I was surprised at this book for many reasons. I expected there to be more of a focus around Steve, but there was almost none! It kind of saddened me. Another thing, I expected more of the attraction between the three of them. I didn't see any love triangle parts I've been wanting to see, if that makes sense. Maybe I'm just a romantic....

All in all, I loved the book. Even though I feel it felt kind of rushed at the ending I still fell in love with it. I have a feeling you might, too.

In Eternal Della brings out a softer side. She may not show it much on the inside, but you can definitely tell on the inside. You get to be inside Della's head. That's something that anyone would love. I love how CC Hunter did bring in a few more family issues that she has. It makes her seem real and I can relate to some of it. Not that I'm a vampire.....but you know, teenage girl stuff.

CC Hunter wrote Eternal for the paranormal lovers. If you love werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, should check out her line of books. Here's the link to the books:

What's my rating, you ask?  I give Eternal.....4.5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know what your think I'm being biased, but I told you the truth. I absolutely loved the book, but I do feel it was missing a little something something. ;)
Thank you!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a great start of the school year and a great Halloween! :) 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Back to School?!?!

Guess what? It's time for school. Waking up at 6 in the morning, staying at school for 8 hours, eating school lunches, and homework almost everyday...Who doesn't love it? Many people dread school, mostly the children, but I do know a few parents that feel the same way. Kids don't want to give up their sleeping time while parents don't want to have less time with their kids.

I personally don't know how I feel about school. I love learning and being with my friends, but then theirs also the downsides....such as the stress, bullies, annoying teachers, stress, the rules, THE STRESS.

Stress is a main thing that I feel when I'm in school. No matter how old I am, I will always stress about school. To me, a "B" is an "F".  A grade lower than a 97 is a "B". If you can't tell by now, I hold myself to a high standard. I want to try my best, but even when I do, I expect more of myself. By doing this I put a lot of pressure on myself. It's hard NOT to do. I'm so used to doing it that it's just a routine now.

So, advice....don't get ahead of yourself. Set reachable standards and slowly raise them. It will take a lot of weight off your chest that you don't need.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Goodbye, Summer Vacation?

As it's getting closer and closer to school I am getting looking back on what I did this summer. I didn't do something HUGE, or something that made a difference in the world. That's what I wanted to do this summer. Although I didn't go to an amusement park or save a life I'm pretty content with what I did accomplish. I found me. Kind of. I'm still trying to find myself, but from what I've found this summer I'm happy with it. I realized that I'm unique and no one will EVER be me. I'm my own person. My height, weight, teeth, body shape, and much more doesn't matter. My happiness does. Being happy is one of my top priorities. I stand in front of the mirror and tell my reflection that I'm beautiful and perfectly imperfect. Because of how I've changed this summer I am such a better person. I may not have the best things or look the best, but I know that I'm good enough.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Author Interview~Carolee Dean

Meet Carolee Dean! She is the author of 3 YA books; Comfort, Take Me There, and her most recent book, Forget me not. Not only is she an author, but she is very passionate about her job. She works at a local school with teenagers as a speech-language pathologist. Her books are inspirational and help people realize that even though life may be hard, you can always get over the bumps.

I had a lot of fun thinking of questions to ask her, so enjoy!


What made you want to start writing YA books?

I work with teenagers as a speech-language pathologist at a local high school. I see the struggles my students go through and it reminds me of my own young adult experiences, which were very turbulent. I'm sure just about everyone feels that way for different reasons. We moved a lot. I went to three different high schools. Things happened that I did not have the perspective to understand. Many of those experiences baffled me for years afterward. When I write stories that explore similar events, it helps me process through feelings I did not have the words to voice at the time.

Do you have a certain book you are proud of?

My first novel, COMFORT, was an IRA Notable book. It was very personal to me because I was able to go back and explore my experiences graduating from a small town Texas high school and participating I poetry competitions that eventually earned me a college scholarship. Alcoholism is also a big theme in this book and it has resonated with kids dealing with addiction in their own families.

My second novel, TAKE ME THERE (a YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers), is about a boy who is a poet but because he cannot read or write, he cannot record his thoughts on paper. He drops out of school and gets on the wrong side of the law. After a botched gang initiation, with both the police and gang members chasing him, he goes looking for his estranged father to find out if badness is in his blood or if it is something he can outrun. Many of my students have had parents in prison and I wanted them to know that they can rise above these situations.

Check out the book trailer here:

My most recent novel, FORGET ME NOT, was a particular challenge because it is almost all in verse. It also deals with a very difficult concept- where does the soul go after suicide? In spite of the dark material it has a happy and hopeful ending. There is even romance.

What authors have influenced your writing?

When I was young I loves S.E. Hinton. I still do. When I read THE OUTSIDERS it was the first time I realized that books could be about real people.

What do you do when you're not writing?

Work mostly, but I also enjoy hiking, biking, and cooking. My daughter and I recently startd the Paleo Diet and she's always finding cool recipes on Pinterest for us to try.

When did you really start getting into writing?

It seems like I've been writing all my life. My mother still has a story I wrote when I was six years old. The paper is yellow and faded with age. She used to bring it out when I was a kid and tell people, "Carolee is going to be a writer." I thought it was kind of lame and very embarrassing, but here I am. When I was in high school I played the guitar and wrote songs. I think that's why I have so much poetry in my novels.

What do you think is the most important thing in writing?

Write about things that matter and be as honest as you can.

What advice do you have for someone who'd like to become a writer?

Read a lot of books. Watch a lot of movies. Study the structure of stories in all their many forms.

Can you tell us about your latest book?

As I said earlier, FORGET ME NOT is a novel in verse. It's about a girl who is cyber bullied, tries to take her own life, and ends up struck between worlds on an abandoned hallway in her school. It's also about the boy who would do anything to save her. Check out the book trailer.

There is a contest for a free signed copy of the novel going on at my blog until the end of the Summer Author Blitz on August 8. Winners will be announced August 10. Got to my blog to enter at

 Thank you so much for answering my questions! Check out her books! I hope you all enjoyed! :)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Why I like Books? + SUMMER AUTHOR BLITZ?!?!?!?!

In this blog I have something to you can see in the title. But, first I want to tell you why I like books. You're probably thinking, really? Why? Well, I'll tell you why! Because I wanted to post something. Yes, that's it. Anyways...

I am going to list 5 of many reasons why I like books.

1. Books are my vacation. I don't go on vacation a lot so reading is my way of being able to travel to different places and experience new things.

2.They make me emotional. Yes, I will laugh, get mad, even cry because of a book. I love when a book makes me sigh out loud or have an uncontrollable smile.

3. You learn a lot of new words. I love reading a book and learning new and interesting words to use on my family and friends.

4. It's relaxing. To read a book all you have to do is sit and think. It gives you time to think without stressing yourself.

5. You can pretend to be someone else. I always find myself getting so into a book that I believe I'm that person. I will think and talk like a character. It's one of my favorite things to do.

These are only 5 reasons that I like, how about love, books!

Now, on to the exciting news! I signed up to be a part of the Summer Author Blitz!! This is an event held for about a month and it features 20+ authors. It includes giveaways, scavenger hunts, and much more! Check out their website!  It's my first time doing something like this and I'm so excited. I do have to admit that I'm also a bit nervous...I don't want to mess up. I am doing an author interview!! I love interviews and I am so excited to do one. I already know who I'm interviewing...should I tell? I think I should wait! :) Please follow my blog! ~Katie

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4th of July

I know this post is a little late....sorry! :) So, the Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love getting together with all my neighbors, family, and friends. We bring TONS of food! If you know me at all, you'll know that I love food. I have an addiction...Anyways, this year we had a variety of food. Hot wings, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, all different types of salad, cookies, brownies, chips, potatoes, fruit, and many other items! It was delicious. :)

After eating we lit off, like 20, parachutes. We only found half of that since the wind was so strong. But, the little kids loved it. I loved seeing them run around, lighting off little fireworks, and seeing their faces brighten up when they were in awe.

The main reason I like holidays is because we can all get together and remember the other years. You can remember from when you were younger and see how much you all have grown. We've definitely grown a lot. I'm not the same person that I was last year around this time and I'm proud of it. I've changed, in a good way. I can't wait till next year! :)

Friday, June 27, 2014

Shadow Falls~Kinda Review!

Hey! It's me again! So, today I am going to tell you all about a book series, Shadow Falls. This isn't going to be a full review, but enjoy! :) This book series caught my eye from the cover of the first book. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to like it, but I gave it a try anyways. I am so glad I did. The Shadow Falls series starts out with "Born at Midnight". I absolutely fell in love with this book after the first chapter. I cannot describe. Like, I literally feel as if I have a special connection to the characters. Kylie's story starts out kind of glum, but you go along with it anyways. As you read more into the book you find out Kylie has some sort of stalker. When Kylie gets caught at a party with alcohol and drugs(which Kylie didn't touch) her mother sends her to a camp for "troubled" teens. Now, this isn't some ordinary camp. It's a camp for gifted teens. You know, the ones with fangs and that have the ability to shift? That's the one. Kylie is stunned. Why would she be there, you ask? Duh! Because Kylie is also gifted! Wait, before you get to excited...they don't exactly know what she is. Her pattern which is etched into her does not show she is vampire, werewolf, fae, or even a witch! As the story goes on Kylie learns a lot about herself, friendship, and love.

There are 5 books in Kylie's series and each one of them has action, romance, friendship, and humor. You will not regret reading these books. The books are in order from first to last.

Born at Midnight
                           Awake at Dawn
                                                      Taken at Dusk
                          Whispers at Moonrise
                                                                                                               Chosen at Nightfall

C.C. Hunter has out two novellas for Della! I recommend reading them. Wait! I almost forgot! C.C. Hunter, the author is working on a spinoff series, putting one of Kylie's best friend Della in the spotlight! She already has the first book out, Reborn, but make sure you read Kylie's journey first! Look at that cover!
I know this was hardly a review, but if you want a better one, comment that down below! I know this was confusing, so for more information check out C.C. Hunter's website to learn about her books!

This was not sponsored and I was not asked to do it. All opinions are my own. :)

Monday, June 2, 2014


Wow, it's been a while. I've been busy I hope you can forgive me. So, as you can see in the title I am going to address bullying. Bullying happens every single day and all the time. It's a very sensitive topic and people have a hard time dealing with it. I see bullying almost everyday. Now, I'm not going to say I've never bullied, because I have. Yes...I admit it. I'm big enough to admit that I have been a cruel and ugly person. Now, I've never physically hurt anyone, or told them they need to go die or anything that horrible. I am guilty of making fun of a person because of what they wore or how they do certain things. I am truly sorry for that and I realized that I need to stand up for those people. This year is when I made a complete turn around. When some people called someone stupid I told them they shouldn't do that. I told my friends when they were being racist to stop. I've asked people if they were actually okay. NO ONE deserves to be treated that way. Just because I'm saying this doesn't mean that I like everybody. I try find at least one good thing about a person that I like. Just because their not my friends doesn't mean I'm going to completely ignore them when they are getting bullied. Stand up for them! I don't care how much you loathe day you're going to regret it. Like I say...I try to be a good person. You should too! Thank you for taking your time to read this and please comment down below what you think! :)

The Golden Rule

So, lately I've heard many people say to follow the "Golden Rule". What exactly is it? The "Golden Rule" is treating others the way you want to be treated. Now, this can be a little difficult. The people that say it the most are the ones that need to listen to their own advice. Don't be an ugly person, on the inside, and think that you deserve respect.
Say you're in a situation and your teacher, friend, or even your parents are scolding you or are mad at you. What do you do? Most people would react by yelling back, calling them horrible names, or even violence. What SHOULD you do? Be civil. Don't start
yelling, it'll only make things worse and carry it on. Say what you want to say in a calm, gentle voice and most likely you will be heard. If that doesn't work, remove yourself. Remove yourself from the situation. You don't want to start anything more. Be respectful when you do it, and you should get respect. It doesn't matter if you're going to feel like you are wrong, explain to them why your innocent, or whatever the situation is, with respect. It'll at least get you somewhere.
Realize how your acting before you tell someone to act better.

Monday, April 21, 2014

I'm back! + Teen Relationships!

I am soooo sorry that I waited this long to post again. I slacked at first, and then some family problems came up. Okay, so today's post is going to be!!! Yes, this topic...Now, I'm not here to tell you, "Don't date until your 18!" I just want to reassure your feelings before you give someone something that you can't ever take back. That something may include emotions, secrets, even valued objects. This probably isn't making much sense, so I'll just start talking.

Honestly, I've never had a boyfriend, nor do I want one. I am going to put up a list of why I believe teens/pre-teens date. These opinions are going to be from my view, and my view only. Please, do not get offended if one of these pertains to you!

-Probably, the most common one, convenience. If two people hang out a lot, they just randomly decide to start dating.

-Popularity: I see this one everywhere. Whether it's to get more popular because you're actually dating someone, or the other person is "popular."

-It's what everyone else is doing! One person sees a couple and automatically thinks they need a boyfriend, too.

-I have to have him! Just because 12 other people dated him, doesn't mean that you need to, also.

These are the main reasons that I see, almost everyday. It makes me sad to see girls going after the same guy over and over again, knowing that they don't have real feelings for them. I know it's not my business, but I don't want to see them get hurt.

To sum up that confusing stuff...Don't date for popularity or convenience. Before you date someone, make sure they like you too and you truly have feelings for them, or else you are going to end up getting hurt. I've seen it many times before. You are you, so don't believe you need a guy to make yourself better because you are already good enough. The right one WILL come along. You just have to be patient! :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Bucket List

Today, at school, one of my teachers told us
to make a bucket list of what we want to do before we graduate. At first I though and didn't think I had anything I specifically wanted to accomplish. After a while of brainstorming I realized things I would never think of so here are a few of them...
* Get all A's throughout high school
* Accept who I am and becoming
* Volunteer at hospitals, shelters, etc.
* Meet new people
* Find out who my REAL friends are.
Now, most of these are general, but they were hard to think of after a while. What do you want to do before you graduate school, college, or whatever milestone? -Katie

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Peer Pressure and Regrets

This blog is going to get a little personal, but I feel it needs to be said. Nowadays, we take drugs, bullying, and other things as common. It's not something we should do at all. A couple days ago a girl at school got in trouble for having drugs at her house and stealing money. Now, before you say anything, she wasn't the type you would expect to do that stuff. She's nice and keeps to herself. She does have a "friend" that does the same thing. The friend started it first and led her into it. Girl #1 has been bullied forever and her "friend" still pushes her around. Girl #2 gets mad at her all the time because she doesn't do the things she does and I feel bad for her. It's like she rules her life. It's not right at all. That's called peer pressure.
I know people say not to have any regrets, but some of those things leave you with a label or even worse, it could corrupt your life right then and there. I always say, "You should be proud of everything that you do. If your not, then you might need to stop doing it." It's hard to accept, but try imagining other people doing it or knowing that you do it. Be you, but a good you. I'm not trying to judge, but to remind you that what you do now affects the future... :) Comment your thoughts! -Katie

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!!!!! It's been a while since I have done a post, but I will try to make up for it today. When I think of resolutions I think of wishes. Wishes to do something or better yourself. Since I'm still young, 13, I really don't have many resolutions. I could say I need to do better in school, but I already to well. I could also say that I need to be kind to people. I already try that, but I really don't think that should be a resolution. You should do that everyday!

So I was thinking, what should I do better this year? A few things passed my mind. After thinking it over I realized that I need to start being more grateful. I have a lot of things that others don't have and I should never look down on that. I take the clothes I wear, the food I eat everyday, and the bed I sleep in for granted. Some people don't have that. I am so blessed to have that. I can't explain how happy I am for all that I have. I'm blessed.

What are your resolutions for the new year? Hopefully this year is going to be a great one! This year has been...crazy. Nothing else can explain it. This year ratchet, selfie, and twerk have become very common... The "duckface" has come and gone. Candy Crush and Minecraft have become addictions instead of games. We might have survived 2013's drama, but imagine what next year will bring us....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! -Katie