Books Are My Getaway

Books Are My Getaway

Monday, June 2, 2014


Wow, it's been a while. I've been busy I hope you can forgive me. So, as you can see in the title I am going to address bullying. Bullying happens every single day and all the time. It's a very sensitive topic and people have a hard time dealing with it. I see bullying almost everyday. Now, I'm not going to say I've never bullied, because I have. Yes...I admit it. I'm big enough to admit that I have been a cruel and ugly person. Now, I've never physically hurt anyone, or told them they need to go die or anything that horrible. I am guilty of making fun of a person because of what they wore or how they do certain things. I am truly sorry for that and I realized that I need to stand up for those people. This year is when I made a complete turn around. When some people called someone stupid I told them they shouldn't do that. I told my friends when they were being racist to stop. I've asked people if they were actually okay. NO ONE deserves to be treated that way. Just because I'm saying this doesn't mean that I like everybody. I try find at least one good thing about a person that I like. Just because their not my friends doesn't mean I'm going to completely ignore them when they are getting bullied. Stand up for them! I don't care how much you loathe day you're going to regret it. Like I say...I try to be a good person. You should too! Thank you for taking your time to read this and please comment down below what you think! :)

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