Books Are My Getaway

Books Are My Getaway

Friday, June 27, 2014

Shadow Falls~Kinda Review!

Hey! It's me again! So, today I am going to tell you all about a book series, Shadow Falls. This isn't going to be a full review, but enjoy! :) This book series caught my eye from the cover of the first book. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to like it, but I gave it a try anyways. I am so glad I did. The Shadow Falls series starts out with "Born at Midnight". I absolutely fell in love with this book after the first chapter. I cannot describe. Like, I literally feel as if I have a special connection to the characters. Kylie's story starts out kind of glum, but you go along with it anyways. As you read more into the book you find out Kylie has some sort of stalker. When Kylie gets caught at a party with alcohol and drugs(which Kylie didn't touch) her mother sends her to a camp for "troubled" teens. Now, this isn't some ordinary camp. It's a camp for gifted teens. You know, the ones with fangs and that have the ability to shift? That's the one. Kylie is stunned. Why would she be there, you ask? Duh! Because Kylie is also gifted! Wait, before you get to excited...they don't exactly know what she is. Her pattern which is etched into her does not show she is vampire, werewolf, fae, or even a witch! As the story goes on Kylie learns a lot about herself, friendship, and love.

There are 5 books in Kylie's series and each one of them has action, romance, friendship, and humor. You will not regret reading these books. The books are in order from first to last.

Born at Midnight
                           Awake at Dawn
                                                      Taken at Dusk
                          Whispers at Moonrise
                                                                                                               Chosen at Nightfall

C.C. Hunter has out two novellas for Della! I recommend reading them. Wait! I almost forgot! C.C. Hunter, the author is working on a spinoff series, putting one of Kylie's best friend Della in the spotlight! She already has the first book out, Reborn, but make sure you read Kylie's journey first! Look at that cover!
I know this was hardly a review, but if you want a better one, comment that down below! I know this was confusing, so for more information check out C.C. Hunter's website to learn about her books!

This was not sponsored and I was not asked to do it. All opinions are my own. :)

Monday, June 2, 2014


Wow, it's been a while. I've been busy I hope you can forgive me. So, as you can see in the title I am going to address bullying. Bullying happens every single day and all the time. It's a very sensitive topic and people have a hard time dealing with it. I see bullying almost everyday. Now, I'm not going to say I've never bullied, because I have. Yes...I admit it. I'm big enough to admit that I have been a cruel and ugly person. Now, I've never physically hurt anyone, or told them they need to go die or anything that horrible. I am guilty of making fun of a person because of what they wore or how they do certain things. I am truly sorry for that and I realized that I need to stand up for those people. This year is when I made a complete turn around. When some people called someone stupid I told them they shouldn't do that. I told my friends when they were being racist to stop. I've asked people if they were actually okay. NO ONE deserves to be treated that way. Just because I'm saying this doesn't mean that I like everybody. I try find at least one good thing about a person that I like. Just because their not my friends doesn't mean I'm going to completely ignore them when they are getting bullied. Stand up for them! I don't care how much you loathe day you're going to regret it. Like I say...I try to be a good person. You should too! Thank you for taking your time to read this and please comment down below what you think! :)

The Golden Rule

So, lately I've heard many people say to follow the "Golden Rule". What exactly is it? The "Golden Rule" is treating others the way you want to be treated. Now, this can be a little difficult. The people that say it the most are the ones that need to listen to their own advice. Don't be an ugly person, on the inside, and think that you deserve respect.
Say you're in a situation and your teacher, friend, or even your parents are scolding you or are mad at you. What do you do? Most people would react by yelling back, calling them horrible names, or even violence. What SHOULD you do? Be civil. Don't start
yelling, it'll only make things worse and carry it on. Say what you want to say in a calm, gentle voice and most likely you will be heard. If that doesn't work, remove yourself. Remove yourself from the situation. You don't want to start anything more. Be respectful when you do it, and you should get respect. It doesn't matter if you're going to feel like you are wrong, explain to them why your innocent, or whatever the situation is, with respect. It'll at least get you somewhere.
Realize how your acting before you tell someone to act better.